Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Here is somewhere. Here is holy. Here is discrete. Here is certain. Here is humble. Here is home.
Here is somewhere.
There is no place like here yet there are so many others. It is here where I am brought back time and time again. I cannot escape it. It is who I am. It is where I come from. It is where I wish to be.
Here is holy.
Two elements of life meet here. Maybe more. Society labels it paradise. I call it heaven.

Here is discrete.
Not even the darkest of closet is as discrete. I can think of the deepest of thoughts which are then blown by the wind. Never to be heard by any other. How do I get there?
Here is certain.

Everything else is not real. This place is natural so it’s real. I go there and I know that nothing else matters for everything that does is here.
Here is Humble.

It contains the simple things in earth. I’m there with others like me. We are all the same. We are all equal.
Here is home.

Home does not compare to this home. This spot is sweeter.
It is where I am going to stay.
Here is somewhere. Here is holy. Here is discrete. Here is certain. Here is humble. Here is home.


Here&There said...

I wanted to begin by writing a mini biography because as we all know everybody likes to talk about themselves. I did though thought about writing the biography as a short story in first person narration but I did not know how to begin or how it would end. So I decided to pick a picture that suits with a general idea of who I am. So as I browse through my picture files for several hours I came across this picture I took a cruise to Mexico. I don’t remember why I took it. It must have been because of the bike that is just there in between these naturally beautiful palm trees. It is so unnatural yet somehow it fits with the picture. The picture allowed me to come up with a lot of meanings that reflects who I am.

SheWrites said...

“Somewhere” is an appropriate title for the blog. Even though the writer’s somewhere is the wallpaper image it may not be the readers. That doesn’t take away from the fact that while reading the blog, for that moment, the writer and reader share the same image this place.

My focus was immediately drawn to the background image which is located directly in the center of the blog. I’m not necessarily a nature person but I really enjoy beaches and islands. While reading the post I was able to escape to this location of pure bliss. The writing is placed so that it doesn’t cover up the image. It’s as if the reader is peering through a window to the view of paradise just outside. If the writing had been in typical paragraph form it would have taken away from the image.

The first line of the post and the last line are one in the same. That line introduces the reader to the subject matter to come, reiterates the theme throughout the post and then concludes with it making a full circle. The reader discovers where and what “Somewhere” is. “Here is somewhere. Here is holy. Here is discrete. Here is certain. Here is humble. Here is home.”

It was after I read the last line that I realized that each statement about this place had been described in detail. There were certain statements were centered in the post but it didn’t occur to me that those same statements were being elaborated on. I then read the post again starting at beginning again making sure to pay attention to each detail. The “Here is. . .” statements were followed by the description but towards the middle of the post I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t figure out how they were being arranged anymore.

The statements and descriptions could’ve been arranged one of two ways. They could’ve been placed in the exact same order throughout the post to show consistency (Here is . . . followed by description). Another option which I would’ve chosen was to change the order midway during the post. That way the post would’ve started with “Here is somewhere.” and ended with “Here is home.” I would keep these statements centered but would have slightly increased the font size so that the reader’s eyes would be drawn to them.

Overall, I enjoyed this post and because of the mystery it leaves I was able to link it a bit more easily than I thought that I would to my own post.